Sundays in the Garden

We are extremely excited to present our local series:

Beautiful gardens, wonderful music, an incredibly friendly & helpful staff, outdoor time, local wildlife, sunshine, a world-class concert… What else can one ask for? Margaritas, you say? Well… they got those too.

Tucson Guitar Quartet performing

This community series we have put together in collaboration with the Tohono Chul gardens is a must-see. Our coordinator for the series, Dante Olita, works extra hard to ensure quality, diversity and richness of concerts throughout the year.

Dante Olita introducing the series

Our unique Sundays in the Garden series is one that we present proudly, and it’s one in which we feature different kinds of ensembles portraying different styles of music: from Classical to Mariachi, from Jazz to Flamenco.

It all takes place at the Tohono Chul Botanical Gardens, and for the price of admission you can have access to this amazing series.

Visit their website for more info!